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The missing 80% of customers

In the 1930s the rule of 7 was developed. The rule of 7 is a marketing rule that still stands to this day stating that "Consumers need an average of 7 touch points before making a purchasing decision.


In todays markets this stands to be true, especially with the internet in everyones pocket. In fact according to Forbes 80% of customers consult their phones before a purchasing decisions is made. 


This means 80% of customers don't even make it to your door without the proper awareness of you, your products, and most importantly the quality of your product making you stand out in the market place.


One problem that many businesses run into is properly representing their product or service quality to potential customers. Millions of businesses flood the market with content so the challenge is how to stand out. Being able to stand out and demonstrate the proper value to a large number of people one action can create a massive ROI. 


Social media is a machine that when quality content is put into providing value, the algorithms will do the work for you as long as the content catches consumers' eyes.


This is why fortune 500 businesses invest millions of dollars a year to standout online with high quality content. Their social presence dominates the markets providing hundreds of inbound buying leads because their one time investment gives infinite and permanent return.


What ever content is published is attached to the brand permanently. These provide a touch point for consumers to become familiar with building trust with the brand. This creates communities that people invite their friends and family building a strong community.


We have found with our clients that once they represent their brand with professional quality photos, videos, and market to the right buyers looking for them they can achieve more trust and respect from potential customers while creating touch points increasing trust.


If you would like to learn more about how to create a media marketing strategy that can serve you book a call below and lets see if we can help you stand out like our clients. 

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